
Enriching Lives through Creativity since 1999

Month: June, 2014

Ryerson Survey


There is a group that is recruiting for Phase 2 of a project which is about interviewing people who have been labeled with an intellectual disability to participate in a 1 hour interview for the Reimagining Parenting Possibilities project.  They are wondering if I knew if you knew anyone might be interested in being interviewed?  The group will be providing a $25 gift card for their time.

No worries if not. But here is the info they sent me:

Below is more information:

Who can participate?

  • Adults over 16 years who identify as living with a developmental or intellectual disability.
  • Who are interested in speaking to us about parenting and parenting related issues.

We are interested in speaking with people who are not, do plan to be or cannot be parents.  We are also interested in speaking with people who are parents. They can be custodial or non-custodial parents. They can be step-parents, parents of adult children or they can even be grandparents.  Our goal is to speak with people in as wide a set of parenting arrangements and experiences as possible.


What will happen at the interview?

A university researcher (Ann Fudge Schormans, Esther Ignagni or Tania Jivraj) and a self-advocate co-researcher will carry out the interview. The interview will take place wherever is convenient for the person being interviewed. The interview will last one hour. Every effort will be made to keep what is said anonymous. The researchers, Esther and Tania, will make sure that no one can connect specific stories to any person.


What if it costs me money to get to the interview?

We can cover the public transportation costs involved with coming to the interview. We can cover the cost of a personal support worker if necessary.



What do I do if I’m interested?

You can contact the lead researcher, Esther Ignagni. Or you can contact her research co-ordinator, Tania Jivraj. Esther and Tania work in the School of Disability Studies at Ryerson University.


Esther Ignagni


416 979-5000 ext. 4286


Tania Jivraj


416 979-5000 ext. 7909

Article about DramaWay in Sheridan College Ovation Magazine. Click below to read

Click here to read the article

Photos from Group A performance by Kate Stone, thanks Kate!

Feedback & Thoughts about our Annual Multi Arts Showcase 2014



Watching this helps remind us what a successful year we had this year. As more and more people hear about our programs , the registration forms will arrive sooner. Don’t miss out on getting your child enrolled for our Summer Camps or Year Round programming.

After watching this, we know you’ll feel inclined. So enjoy, and then why not register online today at http://www.dramaway.com


Choreography by ActingWorks; spots still available at summer camp


Thoughts about our 2014 Showcase – RhythmWorks West & East Performance

..I thought yesterday’s rhythm works performance was
excellent! The best one I’ve seen. I was really impressed with how
cohesive the whole group was and how much they seemed to understand the
interpretation of their performance. Really nice work!!

Wendy Chalmers

Article regarding Director Danielle Strnad and the work we do at DramaWay

For those who didn’t see it, we have the recent story about DramaWay and the work of our Director/Founder Danielle Strnad available in a digital version which includes photos and the video!


Please visit http://ovation.sheridancollege.ca/danielle-strnad/

Thanks to Sheridan’s Ovation Magazine for the mention.


VisualArtWorks Gallery Showcase 2014

A few select pieces from this years showcase.  

Curated by GP Fantone 
