
Enriching Lives through Creativity since 1999

Month: January, 2016

RhythmWorks Pictures – Spotlighting our Stray Cat Poses!

Special thanks to our Downtown RhythmWorks Group for providing us with these active shots from their weekly RhythmWorks rehearsals.

Take a look at all the hard work our dancers are doing towards our Showcase to be held on June 11th at Papermill Theatre.


ExpressionWorks Update – January 28, 2016

What a phenomenal night at ExpressionWorks last night!  Our final groove led into an acoustic dance and music jam, featuring Lily dressed as “Flora Alanis Morsette Canadiana” on hand-drum and guitar.  This inspired the group so much that we were improvising song lyrics on the stop while connecting to the beat.  Huge cheers to Melvin, Jordan F and Julian who were fearless as they sang their hearts out!

Jordan F also led a emotional exercise to help us identify how others are feeling.              He showed tremendous leadership skills tonight.


The program is progressing extremely well and so glad to see so much growth along the way. We are grateful for all the talented Support/Volunteers we have had this year.


Our Friend, Performer Sam Forbes is famous! Now known as the Dancing Barista…amongst his many other credits!

Hello All

This is just a quick note to mention that we hope you’ll all help to share and spread the news about our good friend and long time performer of DramaWay – Sam Forbes.  Now he is known as the Dancing Barista! We know him as Sam the talented lively actor and dancer! Help us wish him success and best wishes on his career.  We are delighted for the possibilities and proud to hear all the positive and helpful advice he is giving to others in the community and sharing with the world now!

Way to go Sam!


Photo 2015-08-25 10 34 27 AM
Photo credit to Patricia Parker

CTV News



Global News



Breakfast TV



Global Morning Show



Campaign Wrap Up!

” target=”_blank”>https://www.indiegogo.com/project/dramaway-production-2016/embedded/3033477


Hi Everyone

We wanted to thank each and every one of you that donated and contributed to our campaign. We also thank all those who shared the campaign even if you couldn’t donate. Every little bit helps. We are happy to announce we were able to raise over $6035; our online campaign generated $3355 of that amount and the remainder of the funds raised were contributed by a Corporate donation and a private donation.  These funds will help go towards the many cost of our RhythmWorks & DramaWorks showcases coming up in May & June of 2016.

We hope to see you all there. Once again a huge thanks to all of our supporters.





Thanks to all

Fairlawn Neighbourhood Centre -MultiArtWorks

Brooke Banning was getting our group to be groovy and funky this past week at our Multi-ArtWorks program at the Fairlawn Neighbourhood Centre.

Everyone was having fun and enjoyed the active session like always.

Take a look:


Brooke _Fairlawn.jpg

SocialWorks for January 20th, 2016

Here’s what we are looking forward to exploring this evening at SocialWorks.

For those who are keen on knowing what we’ll be doing minute by Minute here it is:

5:55-6:05:  Arrival


6:05-6:15: Introduction Circle (Developing communication skills and using our active listening skills while also working on turn taking)


6:15-6:30: Introduce them of Etiquette and lead into viewing of short video clips relating to the theme. These videos are not created by DramaWay and simply used as a learning tool and reference point for this discussion. Feel free to watch if you too would like to know what your child watched.






6:30-6:40 Group Discussion based on Video clips – What are manners review?

What is cleanliness? What to do and what not do at a restaurant/public dinner.


6:40-6:45 Break/Recharge


6:45-7:10: Group activity: Learning how to set a table for guests using live props

(cups, plates, forks, knives, etc.). Parents the way you can reinforce this is ask your child/teen to set the table at your next meal so s/he can continue remembering these skills.


7:10-7:20: Mock Dinner Party


7:20-7:30-40ish: Mock Diner Party Gone Wrong – How do we fix this?

(Each participant will be given a slip of paper with a certain behavior and once tapped on the shoulder must perform this behavior to see if the others will correct their manners or not)


7:40-8:00: Closing remarks/Recap and clean up

DramaWay DramaWorks Group A & B start today

Looking forward to seeing all of our actors return today for Group A & B.

See you tonight folks.


Week 2 – ExpressionWorks Program

Week 2 – ExpressionWorks Program

We had yet another successful week at ExpressionWorks. A few people were away this week, but it was a fun and we were able to capture a lot of footage thanks to our Sound buddy Myke Mazzei. We know you’ll enjoy it at the end of the program when we put together some clips of all that we’ve done.
Our Groove explorations were fun when we moved and grooved to a wide ranges of expressive songs. All of our chosen songs brought out a particularly emotion! We cherished our special moment of stillness ending with our deep breathing. And the best part was focusing on our mantra.

Opportunity for DramaWay Participants

Our Facilitator Brooke Banning has informed us of a great opportunity.
There is this wonderful new series at a venue downtown called Theatre Passe Muraille.
It’s called Relaxed Performances – and it’s a special initiative geared towards making theatre more accessible to individuals with special needs. This Saturday at 2pm the theatre is having their first “Relaxed Performance” of their production Elle and she has some free tickets to give to individuals and their families/ caregivers – I would love it if you could make it! I’ve included more information below. Please e-mail her  at brooke.kashi@gmail.com to let me know if you would like to attend and how many tickets you will need! If you prefer to call contact us at our DramaWay office 416-614-1078 if that’s easier feel free!


Adapted by Severn Thompson
Directed by Christine Brubaker
Starring Severn Thompson & Jonathan Fisher
This is an adaptation of a Governor General award-winning novel by Douglas Glover. Based on a true story from the life of Marguerite de Roberval, Elle chronicles the ordeals and adventures of a young French woman marooned on the desolate Isle of Demons in 1542 at the time of France’s ill-fated third attempt to colonize Canada.
The Sieur de Roberval abandons his unruly young niece, her lover, and her nurse on the Isle of Demons. and with a world of self-preserving belligerence, the voluble heroine of Elle does more than survive. Elle brilliantly reinvents the beginnings of this country’s history: what Canada meant to the early European adventurers, what these Europeans meant to Canada’s original inhabitants. While Marguerite de Robervals experience of Canada in 1592 is not as well known as Jacques Cartiers, her open-minded engagement with that environment and its people was ahead of its time, and is certainly more relevant and inspiring for us today than Cartiers attempt to colonize and conquer.
About “Relaxed Performances”
Relaxed Performances are designed to welcome audience members who will benefit from a more relaxed performance environment, including those with an Autism Spectrum Condition, sensory and communication disorder, or a learning disability. On the Theatre Passe Muraille website, they will provide a “Visual Story” about attending the theatre – a detailed step-by-step guide to TPM’s theatre experience and location, that describes in words and photos what to expect when coming to Theatre Passe Muraille

DramaWorks West Starts back this evening Jan 14th, 2016
